Grading with LWRK
The promotion structure in Wado Ryu is divided into two categories. These are the KYU grades and DAN grades. Kyu grades are student grades rising from the lowest 10th Kyu white to 1st Kyu brown/black and are indicated by various coloured belts. Dan grades, denoted by a black belt, progress from 1st Dan upwards. This structure is to assist in evaluating the ability and progress of a student and to create an incentive to learning.
Grades can be grouped together into the following categories:
White-red-yellow-orange (10th kyu to 7th kyu) - Junior grades
Green-blue-purple (6th kyu to 4th kyu) - Intermediate grades
Brown-brown/white-brown/black (3rd kyu to 1st kyu) - Advanced grades
There are two gradings per year allowing students the opportunity to progress at regular intervals. Gradings are formal exam sessions where the student can showcase their knowledge and improving technique.
At 1st kyu students spend a minimum of 12 months undergoing black belt training in preparation for their 1st Dan grading day. This training is rigorous and challenging but sets students up with the resilience and discipline required to progress to Dan Grade level.
There are no shortcuts in Wado Ryu. Throughout your karate training you will meet some frustrating periods. When this happens you must persevere. Like everything in life that is worth achieving, it does not come easily. Gradings are inevitably nervous times and therefore they will be a test of your mental approach as well as your technical ability.