What is kihon?
Kihon is a defence against mulitple attacks.
LLB - left leg back
RLB - right leg back
LLF - left leg forward
RLF - right leg forward
Defence - LLB
Avoid the attack by moving offline and raising right arm to protect your head.
Left foot steps foward and outwards, twisting into nekoashi dachi and simultaneously performing a chudan barai (right arm) and urazuki chudan (left hand).
Attack - RLF
Tobikomizuki jodan, gyakuzuki chudan.
Defence - LLB
Avoid the attack by moving offline and raising right arm to protect your head.
Move offline again and turn body away into gyako nekokashi dachi, using your right arm to perform a geidan barai.
Slide your right foot behind your attackers right leg and twist 180° into junzuki no tsukkomi dachi while striking ippon ken (right hand, right ribs) and teisho uchi chudan (left hand, right kidney).
Attack - RLF
Tobikomizuki jodan, surikomi sokuto chudan.
Defence - LLB
Avoid the attack by moving offline and raising right arm to protect your head.
Push forward into junzuki chudan (right arm) using nakadaka ippon ken to strike to the solar plexus and strike nakadaka ippon ken into the side of the attacker's kicking leg (inside of their left knee) with your left hand.
Attack - RLF
Tobikomizuki jodan, maegeri chudan.
Defence - LLB
Avoid the attack by moving offline and raising right arm to protect your head.
Tilt your body back and parry the incoming punch out of the way to the right using your left hand.
Then, while keeping your left arm up to cover your head, slide towards the attacker in a junzuki dachi striking nakadaka ippon ken to their solar plexus.
Defence - LLF
Tobikomizuki jodan, gyakuzuki jodan.
Defence - LLB
Avoid the attack by moving offline and raising right arm to protect your head.
Drop your right hand, blocking atoshi tettsui and grab the attacker's punch using your left hand (YOU MUST GRAB WITH YOUR THUMB ON TOP AND ELBOW POINTING UP).
Move the hand across to your left and slide forward with your right leg, striking uraken jodan (right hand).
Then push forward again and strike yoko empi uchi chudan (right arm).
Draw your right leg back, feet together.
With your right hand assisting, rotate the attacker's hand anti-clockwise in a big circular motion.
Once you reach the top of the circular motion, extend your left leg out behind you and to your right whilst continuing the circular motion by turning to your left. This will throw the attacker to the floor.
Drop to your right knee and strike shuto uchi to the throat.
Stand by pressing on the attacker's elbow (do not lean over them).
Attack - LLF
Tobikomizuki jodan, gyakuzuki chudan.
Defence - LLB
Avoid the attack by moving offline and raising right arm to protect your head.
Move offline again into gyako nekoashi dachi using your right arm to perform a geidan barai (the same as kihon 2).
Step out with your left foot and turn 90° to the right, pushing towards the attacker with your right foot.
Simultaneously block the incoming punch with an open hand soto uke (right arm) and punch urazuki chudan (left hand).
Attack - LLF
Tobikomizuki jodan, surikomi sokuto chudan, gyakuzuki chudan.
Defence - LLB
Avoid the attack by moving offline and raising right arm to protect your head.
Slide your right foot forward, thinning your body, and strike shuto uchi to the throat (right hand).
At the same time your left hand needs to lift over the incoming kick and push the kick out the the left.
Attack - LLF
Tobikomizuki jodan, maegeri chudan.
Defence - LLB
Avoid the attack by sliding back and blocking uchi uke chudan.
Block the second attack with a jodan uke.
Counter by pushing forward with your right foot and punching junzuki geidan (right hand).
Continue the movement and push forward again, striking yoko empi uchi chudan (right arm).
Step out 45° with your left foot and turn sharply right towards the attacker.
As you turn, step forward into the attacker's space with your right foot and strike shuto uchi to the chest (right hand) while covering their back hand with your left.
This will unbalance the attacker and knock them out of fighting stance.
Attack - RLF
Tobikomizuki chudan, gyakuzuki jodan.
Defence - LLB
Avoid the attack by moving back and blocking uchi uke chudan.
Step out with your left foot and turn 90° to the right, pushing towards the attacker with your right foot.
Block the incoming punch with an open hand soto uke (right arm), whilst punching urazuki jodan (left hand).
Attack - RLF
Tobikomizuki chudan, gyakuzuki jodan.
Defence - LLB
Avoid the attack by sliding back and blocking shuto uchi uke jodan (right arm).
Block the second attack using the same arm to block shuto uke jodan.
Counter by pushing forward with your right leg and striking tate empi to the chest (right arm).
Drop your right hand down and grab the attacker's clothing.
Whilst maintaining the grab, punch urazuki jodan (right hand).
Drop your right foot across into a gyakuzuki dachi and strike haito uchi to the groin. You should still have hold of the attacker.
Step under your right arm with your left leg so that you have turned 180°.
Drop your weight down, throwing the attacker over your shoulder and releasing the grab.
Draw back into a fighting stance.
Attack - RLF
Tobikomizuki jodan, gyakuzuki jodan. Break roll when the defender throws.